Network Topology Demo
In our Cybersecurity Network Topology demo, we delve into the robust capabilities of graph technology to manage and visualize intricate network infrastructures. Using PuppyGraph, we dynamically trace and display the network pathways from specific server nodes to downstream load balancers, including scenarios involving failed nodes. This visualization aids in rapid identification of critical points and potential vulnerabilities, enhancing network security management and response strategies. Watch how easily complex network relationships are navigated and analyzed, ensuring operational integrity and swift troubleshooting.
Tech stack

Queries in natural language
- Query and visualize the paths from a specific server node to all downstream load balancers and server node
- Query and visualize the paths from failed server node to all downstream load balancers
Want to try it yourself?
We've open-sourced the sample dataset, graph schema, and graph queries on GitHub, so you can recreate this demo in your own environment.