We're bringing simplicity to graph analysis

With an overwhelming number of tables and complex relationships hidden within traditional databases, it's easy to feel lost. That's where the beauty of graph technology comes in—it's a simple yet powerful way to visualize and understand the intricate web of data relationships.

At PuppyGraph, we understand the value of graph data analysis and the hesitation that comes with adding another layer to your tech stack. The thought of juggling additional complexity, along with the fear of spiraling costs and maintenance headaches, can be daunting. That's why we're here.

PuppyGraph was born from a vision to make graph analysis accessible and seamless for every data team, without the burdens of extra cost or complexity. Imagine being able to plug in graph capabilities directly into your existing data architecture, lighting up new insights with minimal effort. That's the possibility we're turning into reality. 


We build with experience

At PuppyGraph, our core team has worked on the Infra Teams of Google, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instacart, and we have managed complex global data workloads for more than a decade.

Our members are not only veterans of handling vast data challenges (e.g., help developed Google’s unified SQL query engine project that served billions of queries/day), but also serve as Program Committee Members and Reviewers for premier database conferences and journals (e.g., TKDE, KDD, and SIGSPATIAL).

Some of us are part of the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame by ranking 6th in the Google Code Jam world finals and world champions for the ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest.  


The tail(tale) behind PuppyGraph

Why 'PuppyGraph,' you ask?

Well, it all started with a team member's adorable puppy that quickly became our unofficial mascot. We thought, why not make graph technology as approachable and delightful as a puppy? Plus, let's be honest, snagging for just three bucks was a tail-waggingly good deal.

So, here we are, hoping to bring a little puppy-like joy to the world of data!


Weimo Liu

Software Engineer at Google

Working at the F1 team, the unified SQL analytic engine in Google, the engine supports most data formats/sources inside Google, billions of queries per day.

Research Scientist at TigerGraph

  • A query language built on parallel distributed graph databases. 
  • A compiler compiles the query into executable C++ code.
  • A DBMS Server/Client with REST APIs.


  • Computer Science PhD in database area at George Washington University
  • Computer Science BS at Fudan University
  • Program Committee Member/Reviewer of top conferences/journals in the database area
  • Expert in databases/query engines.

Staff Software Engineer at Linkedin

Drives a unified server platform strategy for all the Java services (1000+) at the company.


  • Computer Science Master at UCLA
  • Computer Science BS at Fudan University
  • ACM/ICPC Southern California Regional Contest, Third Place, 2012
  • ACM/ICPC Asia Kuala Lumpur Regional Contest, Second Place, 2011
  • National Olympiad in Informatics, China Bronze Medal - 2006, 2007

Danfeng Xu


Lei Huang

Staff Software Engineer at Instacart

Colead of the core payments team. Lead the tech stack revamp and payments 3rd party integration

Senior Software Engineer at Google

Became the tech lead of the payments full stack team (payments platform portals) since 2016. Helped grow the team from 4 engineers to 24.


  • Computer Science Master at UCLA
  • Computer Science BS at Fudan University
  • Google Code Jam 3 times world finalist (best rank: 6th place worldwide in New York)
  • ACM/ICPC 2 times world-finalist (best team rank: 14th place worldwide in Stockholm)
  • National Olympiad in Informatics, China Bronze Medal - 2007

Senior Staff Software Engineer at Airbnb

Auto Hyperparameter Tuning Drove the efforts to dynamically optimize hyperparameters in online context.

Feature Platform Member of company-wide working group of Airbnb Feature Platform.

Staff Software Engineer at Pinterest

Three-time winner of Pinterest's highest honor for significantly moving metrics.


  • Computer Science Master at UCSD
  • Automation BE at Tsinghua University
  • China Mathematical Competition, the first prize

Wangfan Fu


Behind The Story

The very common problem of information technology is to find the connection and insight between the data. However, there are too many tables in the relational model in DBMS in most production environments, and the users get lost in the relations in the relational model. Graph is an ideal and straightforward way to model and visualize the relationships.

There are users who see value in graph data analysis but don’t want another data stack. The architects don’t want to increase the complexity of the system, which can lead to heavy onboarding costs and maintenance costs.

What We Do

PuppyGraph is created to provide a possibility that brings the graph model as a plugin to the current data stack. The data infra team can almost immediately provide the graph ability to other teams with almost zero cost by starting the PuppyGraph service. No hesitation to try a graph query any more, it is free in every aspect now.

Our Team

The PuppyGraph team is from the Google and Linkedin Infra team and have handled the heavy workload for the data all over the world for nine years. Our team members serve as the  Program Committees/Reviewers of top database conferences/journals, or belong to the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame by ranking 6th in the Google Code Jam world finals. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, PuppyGraph helps you to query your data as a graph now.

A team member has a puppy and we all like it. We feel that the graph technology could be light weighted as a puppy and make life easier. Also, the domain name only cost us three dollars.

Get started with PuppyGraph!

PuppyGraph empowers you to seamlessly query one or multiple data stores as a unified graph model.

Dev Edition

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Enterprise Edition


  • Forever free
  • Single node
  • Designed for proving your ideas
  • Available via Docker install


Based on the Memory and CPU of the server that runs PuppyGraph.
  • 30 day free trial with full features
  • Everything in Developer + Enterprise features
  • Designed for production
  • Available via AWS AMI & Docker install
* No payment required

Developer Edition

  • Forever free
  • Single noded
  • Designed for proving your ideas
  • Available via Docker install

Enterprise Edition

  • 30-day free trial with full features
  • Everything in developer edition & enterprise features
  • Designed for production
  • Available via AWS AMI & Docker install
* No payment required