When To Use A Graph Database: The Ultimate Guide

Sa Wang
Software Engineer
August 16, 2024
When To Use A Graph Database: The Ultimate Guide

Facing complex data relationships or a changing data schema? Graph databases are tailored for these challenges. Unlike traditional databases, which can struggle with complex networks, graph databases efficiently handle dynamic connections. This guide will clearly identify when a graph database can enhance your data strategy, avoiding unnecessary complexities.

What is a graph database?

Graph databases, a subset of NoSQL databases, utilize a graph data model consisting of nodes and edges. Unlike traditional relational databases that store data in tables, graph databases use nodes to represent entities or instances such as people, businesses, or accounts, and edges to represent the relationships between these nodes. Properties are used to store information associated with nodes and edges. Here are some of the key features of graph databases:

  • Graph data model: Graph databases use a graph data model consisting of nodes (vertices), edges (relationships), and properties. This allows for a natural representation of interconnected data.
  • Flexible schema: Graph databases have a flexible schema, allowing for easy modification and evolution of the data model without requiring a predefined structure.
  • Efficient traversal: Graph databases are optimized for fast traversal of relationships between nodes. They can quickly navigate through connected data using graph traversal algorithms like depth-first search (DFS) or breadth-first search (BFS).
  • Powerful querying: Graph databases provide expressive query languages (e.g., Cypher, Gremlin) that allow for complex pattern matching, path finding, and graph analysis. These queries can efficiently retrieve data based on relationships and properties.
  • Graph algorithms: Many graph databases come with built-in graph algorithms for tasks such as shortest path calculation, community detection, centrality measures, and more. These algorithms can be applied directly to the graph data.
  • Visualization and analysis: Graph databases often provide tools for visualizing and analyzing graph data, making it easier to explore and derive insights from complex relationships.
An example of graph visualization by PuppyGraph visualize the VPC flow logs (full blog

Advantages of graph databases

Graph databases offer unique benefits compared to traditional databases, especially in handling highly interconnected data, offering schema flexibility, and simplifying complex queries.

Performance in connected data

Graph databases significantly outperform traditional relational databases in handling connected data due to their inherent design and operational efficiencies. Unlike relational databases, which require complex joins to retrieve related data, graph databases are built around the concept of relationships, using nodes and edges to represent and store data. This structure supports index-free adjacency, where each element directly connects to its neighbor, allowing for quicker access to connected data. This direct linking facilitates constant-time complexity for traversing relationships, regardless of the size of the dataset, ensuring quick and efficient query responses even as the data grows.

Additionally, graph databases are optimized for join-heavy queries, which are common in scenarios involving deeply interconnected data, such as social networks, recommendation systems, and network management. This makes them particularly adept at executing multi-hop queries and complex traversals that would be more resource-intensive and slower in traditional relational databases.

Schema flexibility

Schema flexibility is another significant advantage of graph databases. Unlike traditional relational databases that require predefined table formats, graph databases allow for the representation of complex structures and relationships within the data, adapting to changes without disrupting existing functionality. This flexibility eliminates the need for multiple tables, which are often necessary in relational databases to manage complex data.

This flexible schema means that data teams can add to the existing graph structure without compromising current functionality, making it easier to evolve with business needs. The flexibility of graph databases complements agile development practices, permitting the database to adapt alongside the application and shifting business needs.

Simplified querying

Graph databases outperform traditional databases in query complexity, primarily because of graph-specific query languages like Cypher or Gremlin. These languages are built to efficiently navigate and query graph structures, allowing for the expression of complex relationships and patterns in an intuitive, natural-language-like syntax. This approach makes it easier for users to explore the graph, tracing connections between entities without complex joins or costly table scans. It streamlines query writing by hiding the graph's structural complexity, letting users concentrate on business logic instead of database technicalities.

Moreover, graph query languages often provide powerful built-in functions and operators tailored for graph traversal and pattern matching, further simplifying the querying process. As a result, querying graph databases becomes more intuitive, concise, and efficient compared to traditional databases, which typically require complex SQL statements and multiple joins to navigate relationships between entities.

For example, here is the comparison of a three-hop query between SQL and Cypher.


SELECT p4.name
FROM person p1
JOIN knows k1 ON p1.id = k1.person_id
JOIN person p2 ON k1.knows_person_id = p2.id
JOIN knows k2 ON p2.id = k2.person_id
JOIN person p3 ON k2.knows_person_id = p3.id
JOIN knows k3 ON p3.id = k3.person_id
JOIN person p4 ON k3.knows_person_id = p4.id
WHERE p1.name = 'jeff';


MATCH (u:person {name:'jeff'})-[:knows*3]->(v)
RETURN v.name

When to use a graph database?

Choosing a graph database should match the precise needs of the use case. Below are situations where graph databases shine, accompanied by examples that underscore their distinctive benefits.

Scenario 1: High relationship density

Let's consider an example of a social media network. In a social media platform, there are numerous relationships between users, posts, comments, likes, and more. For instance:

  • User A is friends with User B and User C;
  • User A liked Post X and Post Y;
  • User B commented on Post X;
  • User C shared Post Y;
Figure: Example network

The relationships between users and their interactions with posts form a dense network. Graph databases excel at handling such highly connected data, allowing efficient traversal and querying of the relationships.

Scenario 2: Dynamic or evolving schemas

Consider an e-commerce product catalog. On an e-commerce platform, the product catalog may feature a dynamic and evolving schema. Take this example: 

1. Initially, the catalog had basic product attributes like name, price, and category.

2. Later, new attributes were added, such as color, size, and material, but only for specific product categories.

3. Over time, more attributes like customer reviews, related products, and supplier information were introduced.

Graph databases provide the flexibility in handling evolving schemas. They allow adding new types of nodes and relationships without requiring a strict predefined schema, making it easier to adapt to changing data requirements.

Scenario 3: Complex queries involving relationships

Here's a scenario illustrating fraud detection in financial transactions. Within financial systems, detecting fraud typically requires intricate queries that assess relationships. Imagine a scenario where a dubious transaction occurs between Account A and Account B. The system must determine whether Accounts A and B share any common associates or if they have interacted with other accounts previously flagged as fraudulent, within a certain degree of connection. This investigation might involve numerous layers of relationship analysis, such as "identify all accounts that have engaged with individuals associated with Account A in the last 30 days and verify if any of these accounts have been involved in fraudulent activities."

Graph query languages and graph databases are well-suited for such complex relationship-based queries. They can efficiently traverse the graph and uncover patterns or connections that may indicate fraudulent activities with intuitive and concise queries.

In the real world, these scenarios often highly overlap, fully demonstrating the advantages of graph databases. Here, let's look at a few more examples.

  • Recommendation Engines: Graph databases excel at generating personalized recommendations based on user behavior and preferences. For example, in an e-commerce platform like Amazon, products can be represented as nodes, and relationships such as "frequently bought together" or "customers who viewed this also viewed" can be modeled as edges. This allows for real-time, context-aware recommendations that can improve user engagement and sales.
  • Knowledge Graphs: Graph databases are well-suited for building and querying knowledge graphs, which represent complex domains of knowledge. For instance, a biomedical knowledge graph can model relationships between diseases, drugs, genes, and side effects. Researchers can then query this graph to discover hidden connections, generate hypotheses, and identify potential drug targets.
  • Supply Chain Management: Graph databases can help optimize supply chain networks by modeling suppliers, products, and shipments as nodes, and their relationships as edges. This allows for efficient tracking of inventory levels, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing routes for faster delivery times and reduced costs.
  • Network and IT Operations: Graph databases can model complex IT infrastructures, including servers, switches, and applications, along with their dependencies. This enables IT teams to quickly identify the root cause of failures, assess the impact of changes, and optimize network performance.

Challenges and considerations

Although graph databases bring distinct advantages, they are not without challenges and considerations. These include scalability, the learning curve, and assessing the use case fit.


Graph databases face several challenges as datasets grow larger, particularly when it comes to managing and querying data across multiple machines. One of the primary issues is partitioning and sharding, where the inherent interconnectivity of graph data complicates the division of the graph across machines while minimizing the edges that span partitions. This difficulty often results in excessive cross-partition communication, which can significantly hinder performance at scale.

Distributed traversals further complicate matters, as many graph queries require following relationships that may extend across these partition boundaries, incurring substantial network communication overhead. The challenge becomes significantly greater with deep, unpredictable traversals that are hard to optimize in advance. 

An additional issue is the memory consumption resulting from the index-free adjacency framework utilized by numerous graph databases. This framework enables fast traversals as each node directly references its neighbors, but it also means that each node must maintain references to potentially many adjacent nodes, increasing memory requirements. This is especially problematic for nodes with numerous relationships, limiting the size of graphs that can be effectively managed on a single machine.

Finally, the existence of "supernodes" — nodes with an unusually high number of connections, which is common in real-world graphs that typically show a power law distribution — can create hotspots. These supernodes overload their partitions or machines, becoming a significant bottleneck for processing queries, thereby affecting the overall system performance.

Learning curve

Adopting graph databases requires a paradigm shift from traditional relational databases, demanding a new approach to data management and architecture. This transition involves embracing a graph-based structure where data is modeled as nodes and relationships rather than tables and foreign keys. This shift challenges developers and data architects to rethink how they view their data, moving away from a reliance on SQL to learning specialized query languages tailored for graph traversal, such as Cypher and Gremlin.

Furthermore, graph databases exhibit unique performance characteristics that can differ from relational systems. They are particularly adept at navigating relationships but might lag in executing certain aggregate queries, presenting a learning curve for developers to discern the optimal use cases for graph versus relational databases. The design of an effective graph data model itself poses its challenges, requiring decisions on which entities become nodes or relationships and the implications of these choices on performance.

Additionally, the ecosystem and tooling for graph databases are not as developed as those for relational databases, which might necessitate more custom development work for tasks such as ETL, data visualization, and performance monitoring. This less mature environment means that organizations venturing into graph databases might find themselves at the forefront of developing and adapting tools to better suit their needs.

Use case fit assessment

When considering the adoption of a graph database, organizations must evaluate a variety of factors to determine if it is the right fit for their specific needs. These include understanding the unique data structure and relationships inherent in graph databases, the typical query patterns they are best suited for, and how they handle data size and growth. Additionally, balancing read versus write performance, assessing transactional requirements, and the ability to integrate with existing systems are crucial considerations. The skillset of the team, the new paradigm introduced by graph databases, and the availability of adequate training and support resources are also key factors. Furthermore, the maturity of the graph database technology should be assessed. Often, a hybrid approach—using a graph database alongside relational or other types of databases—might be optimal. Thorough prototyping and performance testing early in the development process can help validate the database choice and highlight any potential issues.

How PuppyGraph can help you in graph analysis 

PuppyGraph revolutionizes the way graph analysis is performed, especially with its real-time, zero-ETL approach to querying data. This transformative graph query engine empowers users to seamlessly treat diverse data as part of a unified graph model, facilitating the analysis of single or multiple data stores without the convolutions of traditional data processing methods.

Figure: PuppyGraph’s Diverse Data Sources

PuppyGraph distinguishes itself by offering a plug-and-play design that is incredibly user-friendly, even for those new to graph technology. Users can swiftly transition from setup to showcasing demos without a steep learning curve, thanks to PuppyGraph's intuitive interface and straightforward integration. The technology simplifies daily operations by eliminating data duplication, lowering maintenance costs and system complexity.

PuppyGraph offers an innovative approach to integrating graph and relational data within existing SQL data stores without the need for extract, transform, load (ETL) processes. This feature allows users to query the same copy of data, both in SQL and as graph, enabling users to handle both relational and graph analysis within the existing data stack. With PuppyGraph, multiple hierarchical graphs can be queried simultaneously, enhancing the capability to manage complex queries involving both relational data and intricate graph structures. This capability, combined with its storage and computation architecture, enhances performance, scalability, and efficiency in processing intricate graph structures and relational data alike.

Figure: Example Architecture With PuppyGraph & Underlying SQL data stores

A standout feature of PuppyGraph is its unique combination of a columnar data lake with a decoupled storage and computation architecture. This design significantly improves scalability and performance by enhancing read efficiency—only relevant columns needed for a query are fetched, minimizing the need for full row scans. Furthermore, the inclusion of min/max statistics and predicate pushdown drastically reduces the data volume required for scans. The integration of vectorized data processing allows operations to be executed on groups of values at once, boosting the system’s overall response speed and scalability.

Figure: PuppyGraph Architecture

PuppyGraph also excels in complex graph operations such as multi-hop neighbor searches, thanks to its auto-partitioned, distributed computing framework that adeptly manages large-scale datasets. Its performance benchmarks, such as completing 10-hop queries across half billion edges in 2.26 seconds on a 4-cluster machine, surpass those of other graph databases available today.

Adding to its robust analytical capabilities, PuppyGraph includes a visualization tool that aids in the intuitive representation of graph data, making it easier for developers to understand and present their data relationships visually. Additionally, it supports a variety of graph algorithms, enabling advanced data analysis tasks directly within the database environment.

Figure: PuppyGraph Dashboard

These comprehensive features make PuppyGraph an ideal choice for developers who seek to leverage the advantages of both graph and relational databases. Its suitability for processing complex, interconnected data makes it a potent tool in the Big Data domain, facilitating a streamlined, efficient, and visually comprehensive data analysis experience.


Graph databases offer a unique approach to managing interconnected data, offering distinct advantages over traditional relational databases. From handling high-density relationships, providing schema flexibility to simplifying complex querying, graph databases are a powerful tool. However, they also come with challenges such as scalability and a learning curve.  For developers evaluating suitable tools, PuppyGraph provides a robust solution that integrates seamlessly with existing data systems, making it an excellent option for those looking to leverage graph database capabilities.

Interested in trying PuppyGraph? Start with our forever-free Developer Edition, or try our AWS AMI. Want to see a PuppyGraph live demo? Book a call with our engineering team today.

Sa Wang is a Software Engineer with exceptional mathematical abilities and strong coding skills. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Fudan University and has been studying Mathematical Logic in the Philosophy Department at Fudan University, expecting to receive his Master's degree in Philosophy in June this year. He and his team won a gold medal in the Jilin regional competition of the China Collegiate Programming Contest and received a first-class award in the Shanghai regional competition of the China University Student Mathematics Competition.

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