7 Best Graph Database Modeling Tools In 2024

Lei Huang
Chief Architect & Co-Founder
August 22, 2024
7 Best Graph Database Modeling Tools In 2024

Graph data modeling is a technique for representing and organizing data using a graph structure, which consists of nodes and edges. By unlocking your data with graph data modeling, you can take advantage of powerful graph-related tools and techniques. 

This article serves as a comprehensive guide, introducing the essentials of graph data modeling, recommending tools to streamline the process, and illustrating the application of these concepts in real-world contexts. Graph databases' optimization for relationship traversal offers unmatched efficiency and performance in querying connected data, particularly for complex relationship patterns and multi-level connections. The agility provided by schema-free models, paired with the capacity for real-time insight generation, underscores the significance of graph data models in contemporary data management and analysis. Moreover, graph databases support powerful analytics algorithms and integrate seamlessly with large language models, enhancing data relationship insights and fostering advanced reasoning capabilities. Through graph data modeling, developers can unlock powerful tools and techniques to elevate data organization and analysis.

What is graph database modeling?

Graph data modeling is an innovative approach to structuring and interpreting data through a graph framework comprising nodes and edges. This technique stands out for its ability to naturally and intuitively represent intricate relationships within datasets, making it a pivotal advancement for applications in social networking, recommendation systems, and fraud detection sectors. By adopting graph data modeling, developers can leverage the inherent capabilities of graph databases to navigate and query connected data efficiently, benefit from schema flexibility for adaptable data management, and attain real-time insights critical for dynamic applications.

Figure: Example network

There are several benefits of using a graph data model: 

  1. Efficient querying of connected data: Graph databases are optimized for traversing relationships between entities. This makes it efficient to query and navigate through connected data, especially when dealing with multiple levels of relationships or complex patterns.
  2. Flexibility and agility: Graph data models are schema-free or schema-optional, which means they can easily adapt to changing data requirements. You can add new types of nodes, edges, or properties without modifying the existing structure, making it easier to evolve your data model over time.
  3. Real-time insights: Graph databases excel at providing real-time insights by quickly traversing relationships and identifying patterns. This is particularly useful in scenarios like fraud detection, recommendation engines, and social network analysis, where quick insights are crucial.
  4. Improved performance for certain use cases: For specific use cases that heavily rely on traversing relationships, graph databases can offer better performance compared to relational databases. This is because graph databases are optimized for navigating connected data, reducing the need for complex joins and enabling faster query execution.
  5. Graph algorithms: Many analytics algorithms, such as PageRank, path finding, and community detection, require a graph representation of the data. These algorithms provide important insights into data relationships and are essential for various real-world applications.
  6. Integration with large language models: Graph data models excel at revealing relationships between different entities. They complement large language models by providing connections to different data entities and enabling reasoning based on those connections.

In the following sections, we will guide you through the essential steps of graph data modeling, help you choose the right tools, and provide practical examples to make the concepts tangible and applicable in real-world scenarios.

How does graph database modeling work?

When starting a data analytics project for graphs, the first step we suggest is to identify the data inputs or data sources. It's possible that you are building a new system from scratch, where we mostly consider real-world entity modeling into a graph structure. However, in the current world, most of the graph data analytics are based on existing data sources. Understanding the existing data structure and designing the data modeling around them is often a more practical solution.

Read this insightful technical article on when to use a graph database. 

Identify the key entities and relationships

The first step in graph data modeling is to identify the entities and relationships within the domain you're modeling. This process involves analyzing the problem domain, understanding the key concepts and objects, and determining how they are connected.

Starting with entities

While in most of the cases, the interesting parts of the graph data model are the relationship edges, people usually start by identifying the entities or nodes in the graph. Entities represent the key objects or concepts in your domain. For example, in an e-commerce system, entities could be customers, products, orders, and categories. It's a good practice to start with one central entity and then expand to other related entities as you explore the relationships.

Identifying relationships

Once you have identified the entities, the next step is to determine the relationships or connections between them. Relationships represent how entities are associated or interact with each other. In an e-commerce system, relationships could include:

  1. Customers place orders
  2. Orders contain products
  3. Products belong to categories
  4. Customers write reviews for products

By identifying the relationships, you can capture the meaningful connections and interactions between entities in your domain.

Figure: Example relationships of the e-commerce system 

Assigning properties

With the power of property graph models, you can assign properties or attributes to both entities and relationships. Properties provide additional information and characteristics about the entities and relationships. For example:

  1. Customer entity properties: name, email, address, join_date
  2. Product entity properties: name, description, price, brand
  3. Order relationship properties: order_date, total_amount, shipping_status
  4. Review relationship properties: rating, comment, review_date

Properties allow you to store relevant data associated with entities and relationships, enabling richer querying and analysis capabilities.

Define the graph schema

After identifying the entities, relationships, and properties, the next step is to define the graph schema. The graph schema establishes the structure and constraints of your graph model. 

Establish clear and consistent naming conventions for nodes, edges, and properties. Choose meaningful and descriptive names that reflect the nature of the entities and relationships. Following a consistent naming convention enhances the readability and maintainability of your graph model.

In most graph data models, a relationship can only connect to fixed entities. For example, in the e-commerce system, "customers_place_orders" can be a relationship connecting customers to orders. It cannot simultaneously represent the relationship between customers and reviews. In some cases, you may need to further break down the relationships to ensure that a single relationship type connects specific entities in the graph schema.

With the property graph model, you also need to define the data types for each attribute associated with entities and relationships. Specify whether a property is a string, integer, boolean, date, or any other relevant data type. Clearly defining the data types helps maintain data consistency and integrity.

Many people find that visualizing the graph schema can help them overview the current graph data structure and understand the relationships between entities. Creating a visual representation of the graph schema, such as an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) or a graph diagram, can facilitate communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders.

Remember, defining the graph schema is an iterative process. As you develop and refine your understanding of the domain and the requirements of your application, you may need to update and adapt the schema accordingly. Regularly review and validate the schema to ensure it accurately represents the entities, relationships, and properties in your graph model.

Graph database modeling with existing data sources

When working with existing data sources, it's important to find the right balance between data transformation cost and graph model performance. The approach to graph data modeling may vary depending on the type of data source you are dealing with.

Relational databases 

When modeling data from relational databases, analyze the relational schema and identify the entities and relationships that can be mapped to a graph structure. The graph data modeling process involves extracting relevant data fields from tables and transforming them into nodes, edges, and properties.

It's important to note that due to the differences in data modeling between tables and graph entities, it's not uncommon for a single table to be mapped to both entities and relationships in a graph model. For example, in a typical e-commerce database, the "orders" table may have a "user_id" foreign key referring to the "users" table. In this case, the "orders" table can be mapped to an "Order" entity node in the graph model, while also representing the "customer_places_order" relationship between the "Customer" and "Order" nodes.

Data normalization and denormalization in relational databases can introduce interesting challenges in graph data modeling. For instance, consider a scenario where product information is stored in multiple tables due to normalization, such as "products," "product_categories," and "product_attributes." In a graph model, you may choose to denormalize the data by combining the relevant information into a single "Product" node with properties like "name," "description," "price," and "category." This denormalization can simplify the graph structure and improve query performance, but it also requires careful consideration of data consistency and maintenance.

NoSQL databases

When modeling data from NoSQL databases, such as document databases (e.g., MongoDB) or key-value stores (e.g., Redis), you need to understand the specific data model and structure of the database.

For document databases, each document can have a different structure, allowing for flexibility in data representation. To map this data to a graph model, you may need to flatten the nested structures and establish relationships between entities based on the document fields. For example, consider a MongoDB collection called "products" where each document represents a product with fields like "name," "description," "price," and an array of "related_products." In a graph model, you can create a "Product" node for each document and establish "related_to" relationships between the products based on the "related_products" array.

For key-value stores, the data is typically stored as key-value pairs without a predefined schema. To model this data as a graph, you may need to extract the relevant information from the key-value pairs and create nodes and relationships based on the application's specific requirements. For instance, in a Redis database storing user session information, you can create a "User" node for each user ID and store the session-related data as properties of the node.

Unstructured data

Unstructured data, such as text documents, images, or videos, poses unique challenges in graph data modeling. To incorporate unstructured data into a graph model, you may need to apply techniques like natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, or machine learning to extract meaningful entities and relationships from the data.

For example, let's consider a collection of customer reviews for products. You can use NLP techniques like named entity recognition (NER) and sentiment analysis to extract entities such as product names, features, and customer sentiments from the review text. These extracted entities can be represented as nodes in the graph model, with relationships like "mentions" or "has_sentiment" connecting them to the relevant product or customer nodes.

In the case of images or videos, you can apply computer vision algorithms to identify objects, scenes, or people within the content. These identified elements can be represented as nodes in the graph model, with relationships capturing the connections between them. For instance, an image containing a person wearing a specific brand of clothing can be modeled as a "Person" node connected to a "Brand" node through a "wears" relationship.

When dealing with unstructured data, it's important to consider the accuracy and reliability of the extraction techniques used. The extracted entities and relationships may require additional validation and refinement to ensure data quality and consistency within the graph model.

By carefully considering the characteristics and challenges of each data source, you can design an effective graph data modeling approach that balances the data transformation effort with the desired graph model performance and functionality.

E-Commerce: A real-world graph data model example

Graph data modeling offers a powerful and intuitive approach to represent and analyze the complex relationships within e-commerce data. By capturing the connections between customers, products, and various entities, businesses can unlock valuable insights, drive personalized recommendations, optimize logistics, and enhance customer experiences.

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, understanding and leveraging these complex relationships is crucial for business success. Traditional relational databases often struggle to capture and analyze these intricate connections effectively. This is where graph data modeling comes into play, offering a powerful and intuitive approach to represent and explore the interconnected nature of e-commerce data.

Figure: an eCommerce data modeling example

Representing complex relationships

One of the key strengths of graph data modeling in e-commerce is its ability to represent complex relationships between entities. In an online marketplace, customers interact with products, leave reviews, make purchases, and engage with sellers. These interactions form a rich tapestry of connections that can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.

With a graph data model, each entity, such as customers, products, orders, reviews, and sellers, is represented as a node, and the relationships between them are represented as edges. This allows for a natural and intuitive representation of the complex relationships within the e-commerce ecosystem.

For example, a graph data model can easily capture the relationships between a customer and the products they have purchased, the reviews they have written, and the sellers they have interacted with. By analyzing these connections, businesses can gain insights into customer preferences, identify cross-selling opportunities, and personalize recommendations.

Handling many-to-many relationships

E-commerce data often involves many-to-many relationships, which can be challenging to model and query using traditional relational databases. Graph data modeling excels at handling these types of relationships effortlessly. Consider a product catalog in an e-commerce platform. A product can belong to multiple categories, and a category can contain multiple products.

With a graph data model, this many-to-many relationship can be easily represented by creating edges between product nodes and category nodes. This allows for efficient traversal and querying of the product catalog based on categories. Similarly, in a recommendation system, a graph data model can capture the many-to-many relationships between customers and products. By analyzing the purchase history and browsing behavior of customers, the system can identify patterns and make personalized product recommendations based on the connections between customers and products.

Enabling powerful graph algorithms

Graph data modeling opens up a world of possibilities by enabling the application of powerful graph algorithms to e-commerce data. These algorithms can uncover valuable insights and drive business decisions.

One such algorithm is PageRank, which can be used to rank products based on their popularity and customer ratings. By representing products as nodes and the relationships between them (e.g., co-purchases, similar products) as edges, PageRank can identify the most influential and highly recommended products within the e-commerce network.

Another example is collaborative filtering, which is commonly used in recommendation systems. By building a graph of customer-product interactions, collaborative filtering algorithms can identify similar customers based on their purchase history and make personalized product recommendations. Path-finding algorithms, such as shortest path or Dijkstra's algorithm, can be applied to optimize logistics and delivery routes in e-commerce. By representing the delivery network as a graph, these algorithms can find the most efficient paths for order fulfillment, reducing delivery times and costs.

Visualizing and exploring connections

Graph data modeling provides a visually intuitive way to explore and understand the connections within e-commerce data. By representing entities as nodes and relationships as edges, businesses can create interactive visualizations that allow for easy navigation and exploration of the data.

For example, a graph visualization of customer-product relationships can help identify trends, such as popular product categories or customer segments with similar purchasing behaviors. Marketers can use these insights to target specific customer groups with personalized campaigns or promotions.

In a social commerce platform, a graph visualization can reveal the influence of customer networks on purchasing decisions. By exploring the connections between customers, businesses can identify key influencers and leverage their impact to drive product adoption and sales.

Check out our blog on some of the best graph visualization tools.

Integrating disparate data sources

E-commerce data often comes from various sources, such as web analytics, social media interactions, customer support logs, and purchase histories. Graph data modeling provides a flexible and schemaless approach to integrate these disparate data sources seamlessly.

By representing data from different sources as nodes and edges in a graph, businesses can create a unified view of their customers and their interactions across multiple channels. This holistic perspective enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and journeys.

For example, a graph data model can integrate customer data from web browsing behavior, social media interactions, and purchase history to create a comprehensive customer profile. This profile can be used to personalize marketing campaigns, improve customer segmentation, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Learn more about some of the best graph analytics tools of 2024.

Figure: Example of disparate data sources for the eCommerce use case

Key factors to consider in graph database modeling 

We will discuss the best practices when doing graph data modeling and for each point, we will suggest tools that can be used for this aspect, with a focus on how PuppyGraph addresses these challenges.

Identify the right entities and relationships

Carefully analyze your domain and identify the key entities and relationships that are relevant to your use case. Focus on capturing the essential information and avoid including unnecessary entities or relationships that don't add value. Analyzing the connections for your end goal is crucial. Visualizing the graph data model can be helpful to understand the schema and identify entity relationships.

When using PuppyGraph, the graph schema is automatically visualized with colorful details and all attributes when you are building the graph schema using the web UI tools. This intuitive visualization makes it easy to understand the graph structure and identify the right entities and relationships without the need for manual interventions or custom code integrations.

Figure: a screenshot of PuppyGraph UI showing a graph schema for a supply chain dataset

Traditional graph visualization tools like Linkurious, Gephi, and CytoscapeJS are powerful but often require manual effort to evolve the graph schema or custom code integrations.

Model relationships as first-class citizens

In a graph database, relationships are as important as entities. Explicitly model the relationships between entities and assign meaningful types and properties to them. Avoid using generic relationship types like "has" or "is_related_to" and instead use specific and descriptive types.

PuppyGraph leverages Apache Tinkerpop, an open-source graph computing framework that provides a standard way to define graph elements, including relationships. It offers a powerful graph traversal language called Gremlin for querying, making it easy to model and query relationships as first-class citizens.

Neo4j, another popular graph database, provides a schema management feature that allows you to define and enforce constraints on node labels, relationship types, and properties, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Leverage the power of properties

Utilize properties to store relevant information about entities and relationships. Use properties to capture important attributes, metadata, and measures that enable rich querying and analysis. Consider indexing properties that are frequently used in queries for better performance.

PuppyGraph supports both Apache TinkerPop's Gremlin language and OpenCypher, the declarative graph query language used in Neo4j. These query languages allow you to traverse and manipulate graph data based on properties, providing a flexible way to query and update properties effectively.

Design for query performance

Analyze the common query patterns and use cases for your graph model. Structure your graph model in a way that optimizes for efficient traversals and minimizes the number of hops required to answer queries. Denormalize data or add redundancy when necessary to improve query performance, but strike a balance with data consistency and maintainability.

PuppyGraph employs powerful techniques for query performance, especially when dealing with large-scale graphs. It is designed to seamlessly integrate with open data lake architectures like Apache Iceberg and Apache Hudi. PuppyGraph can directly query data from the data sources while automatically detecting and skipping unnecessary data reads. By leveraging columnar-based storage, PuppyGraph reads only the necessary data for the query, optimizing performance. Additionally, PuppyGraph features a built-in local data cache to further enhance join performance.

Figure: SQL data sources supported by PuppyGraph

Handling data normalization and denormalization

Assess the trade-offs between data normalization and denormalization in your graph model. Normalize data to reduce redundancy and ensure data consistency, but be open to denormalizing when it significantly improves query performance or simplifies the model. Use appropriate techniques like aggregation, projection, or duplication of properties to optimize query efficiency.

In traditional graph systems, custom data transformation scripts are often required to normalize or denormalize data for an efficient graph model. This long and error-prone ETL process becomes even more painful when considering data consistency between denormalized data copies.

Figure: Before vs. With PuppyGraph

PuppyGraph takes a different approach by defining the graph schema and reading data directly from the data sources, eliminating the need for a lengthy ETL pipeline altogether. PuppyGraph supports dynamic mapping from data sources to the graph, allowing you to react to a single data copy and map a single data source to different graph entities and relationships. This flexibility simplifies data normalization and denormalization while maintaining data consistency.

Figure: PuppyGraph Architecture

Plan for scalability and evolution

Design your graph model with scalability in mind, considering the potential growth of your data and the need to accommodate future requirements. Structure your model in a way that allows for easy extension and modification as your domain evolves. Use modular and reusable patterns to promote maintainability and adaptability of your graph model.

PuppyGraph is built with scalability at its core. The architecture is designed to scale horizontally, allowing you to add more computing resources as your data grows. Moreover, PuppyGraph promotes evolutionary graph schema design. Its flexible and dynamic mapping capabilities allow you to easily extend and modify your graph model as your domain evolves. You can add new entities, relationships, and properties without requiring significant changes to the underlying data sources. PuppyGraph's modular architecture and support for reusable patterns further enhance the maintainability and adaptability of your graph model.

By leveraging PuppyGraph's powerful features and best practices, you can build scalable and evolving graph models that adapt to your changing business requirements. PuppyGraph simplifies the graph data modeling process, enables efficient querying, and provides a future-proof solution for your graph analytics needs.

Top 7 best graph database modeling tools

When it comes to graph database modeling, having the right tools is critical for transcribing your graph model into an actual graph schema. Let's take a look at some of the top tools for making this simple and efficient.


PuppyGraph is the first and only graph analytic engine capable of querying multiple of your existing relational databases as a unified graph model within 10 minutes. This means you can query the same copy of the tabular data as graphs (via Gremlin or Cypher) and in SQL at the same time - no ETL required. 

Figure: Example PuppyGraph Architecture

This engine facilitates the execution of graph queries on traditional table structures, bypassing the expense and intricacy of integrating an independent graph database. PuppyGraph provides an array of both automated and manual graph modeling tools. Upon connecting to an SQL data store, the PuppyGraph interface offers a streamlined approach for users to efficiently translate SQL data into a graph representation. In addition, PuppyGraph's automation feature proactively proposes optimal mapping strategies for data points, enhancing the user experience with guided support in model development.

Aerospike Graph 

Although Aerospike doesn’t offer a UI-based graph modeling interface, it is an option for those who prioritize performance and scalability. Aerospike's integration with graph databases allows users to work with large datasets and perform complex queries efficiently. Its support for in-memory processing and persistent storage means that while you may need to design your graph schema manually, the performance payoff is significant, especially for large-scale applications.

  • Pros: Blazing fast performance with in-memory and persistent storage options. Highly scalable for large datasets and high throughput. Strong consistency guarantees for reliable data.  
  • Cons: Complex data modeling and schema design process. Still requires a complex ETL process. Limited query language support compared to other options. It can also be expensive for midsize companies or enterprises without a big IT budget. 


Dgraph is an open source graph database. It simplifies graph modeling by using GraphQL, a query language familiar to many developers. This native graph database provides an intuitive approach to schema creation, leveraging the power of GraphQL for both querying and modeling. With Dgraph's distributed architecture, users can scale horizontally, ensuring that as their graph grows, performance remains stable. Additionally, Dgraph’s built-in ACID transactions support makes it a reliable choice for applications requiring strong data integrity. 

  • Pros: Intuitive GraphQL interface for easy data modeling and querying. Distributed architecture for horizontal scalability. Built-in support for ACID transactions.
  • Cons: Can be challenging to manage and scale in large production environments. Relatively new, so ecosystem and community support are still growing.


JanusGraph is ideal for users seeking a highly customizable graph database solution. It supports a wide range of storage backends and indexing options, making it versatile for different use cases. For graph modeling, JanusGraph allows users to define complex schemas tailored to their specific needs, though this requires a good understanding of both the tool and graph database concepts. The flexibility JanusGraph offers makes it a strong candidate for projects that need to accommodate diverse and complex data structures.

  • Pros: Highly flexible and customizable with support for various storage backends and indexing providers. Open-source with a growing community. Good performance for complex graph queries.  
  • Cons: Requires significant setup and configuration. Can be complex to manage and operate at scale.


Neo4j is one of the most established graph databases, with extensive support for graph modeling. Its Cypher query language is particularly strong for defining and querying graph schemas, allowing users to model their data efficiently. Neo4j also provides various integrations, such as the Neo4j Desktop and Bloom, which make visualizing and designing graph schemas straightforward. This makes Neo4j a go-to choice for enterprises that need a reliable, well-supported graph database solution.

  • Pros: The most established and mature graph database with a large user base. Powerful Cypher query language. Extensive documentation and community resources.  
  • Cons: Can be expensive, especially for enterprise deployments. Scaling and performance can be challenging for very large graphs.


OrientDB stands out as a multi-model database, supporting various data structures, including graphs. For graph modeling, OrientDB allows users to define schemas that interact seamlessly with other models like documents or key-value pairs. This flexibility makes it easier to integrate graph structures into existing applications that might not be solely graph-based. While the learning curve can be steep, the ability to model and query across different data types within a single database is a powerful advantage.

  • Pros: Multi-model database supporting graph, document, key-value, and object models. Open-source with a flexible data model. Good performance for mixed workloads.
  • Cons: Steeper learning curve compared to more specialized graph databases. Limited community support and documentation.


Memgraph is designed for real-time applications where speed is critical. As an in-memory graph database, it allows for ultra-fast data processing and querying, making it suitable for use cases requiring rapid updates and real-time analytics. For graph modeling, Memgraph supports Cypher, providing a familiar environment for those experienced with other graph databases like Neo4j. However, the in-memory nature of Memgraph means that users must carefully manage the size of their datasets to ensure optimal performance.

  • Pros: In-memory graph database for ultra-fast performance. Cypher query language support. Designed for real-time streaming and transactional applications.
  • Cons: In-memory limitations on dataset size. Less mature compared to other established graph databases. 


Graph data modeling has become an essential technique for representing and organizing complex relationships in various industries, from e-commerce to social networks and beyond. By choosing the right tools and following best practices, you can unlock the full potential of your data, allowing for efficient querying, real-time insights, and scalable solutions. Whether you’re dealing with large datasets, integrating disparate data sources, or navigating complex relationships within the data, the tools highlighted in this guide provide a solid foundation for effective graph data modeling.

Interested in trying PuppyGraph? Download our forever-free Developer Edition, or try our AWS AMI. Want to see a PuppyGraph live demo? Book a call with our data experts today. 

Lei Huang, Chief Architect and co-founder of PuppyGraph, with over 10 years of experience in developing and managing high-performance data platforms. Lei was a Staff Software Engineer at Instacart, where he co-led the core payments team, led a major overhaul of the payments stack, integrating with various third-party systems. Prior to Instacart, Lei was the tech lead of Google payments full stack team, grow the team from 4 to 24 engineers.Lei is a three-time Google Code Jam world finalist, took 6th place in New York, and a two-time ACM/ICPC world-finalist with his team ranking 14th worldwide in Stockholm.

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